Kiwi's friends

i have very nice puppys for sale 2 tiny shihtzus "pure breed
females with their puppy vaccinations, Dewormers and vet check.
yorkhiere terrier "pure bread" male." the cap"
there full grown is going yo be 4 pounds.

Im from Snte, anne. Manitoba and my phone is
(for more nformaton)
or appoiments. thank you
(204)422 5742

Small dogs and big rewards!

Small dogs are charming, intelligent, and loving no matter than some time they culd be manipulative.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Why we need mix dogs

chihuahuita with shith tzu mix.

Most dogs need to be bathed regularly
and brushed at least one time every week. If your dog has a lot of hair,
you may need to brush more often.

Mixed breed dogs are friendly, faithful companions just like other dogs. They can do all of the things purebred dogs can do including assistance work, therapy work, herding, agility, and flyball.

Mixed breeds can grow up to be any size and shape. Because you may not know what your pup's parents looked like, you may be surprised by the size of your dog when he grows up. He may look very different than he did as a cute little puppy

Mixed breed dogs are called mixed breed because they have parents and ancestors that are of different breeds of dogs. These dogs are usually less expensive than dogs of one breed (Purebred dogs) and most Mixed breed dogs look different from each other. Yorkshire terrier with Maltes mix

Purebred dogs have parents and ancestors that are all from the same breed of dog. The size, temperament, and appearance are the same between dogs.

everbody love's their personality

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