Kiwi's friends

i have very nice puppys for sale 2 tiny shihtzus "pure breed
females with their puppy vaccinations, Dewormers and vet check.
yorkhiere terrier "pure bread" male." the cap"
there full grown is going yo be 4 pounds.

Im from Snte, anne. Manitoba and my phone is
(for more nformaton)
or appoiments. thank you
(204)422 5742

Small dogs and big rewards!

Small dogs are charming, intelligent, and loving no matter than some time they culd be manipulative.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Mini shih tzus

This day was very sad for me. my tiny super tiny girl" poky" is gone, but i feel so in the same time for their family is a nice couple and the girl Cristina is so sweet so we wishing the best and wish her, the kids and their new puppy.congratulations

Exercise pen is very good for training

Pet Exercise Pen

This is an exercise pen, ideal in a home where you want your puppy to remain in one area, it makes house training much easier when you have a pen, its also ideal for putting your pup out on the lawn and keeping him safe if you dont want him on a leash. Inside the pen goes his bed or crate, pee pad, food and water and toys.

The bowl below which is non tipping is a great example for feed and water for your pup. I like stainless steel as its very easy to clean

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Baby O.

There are several things that you should have on hand for your new puppy. It is best to be prepared. Below is a list of items to have on hand, and some things to do that may help you get ready for your new addition:

1. SAFE AREA: Either a baby or puppy playpen or baby gate to partition a small area. It should be large enough to hold a little bed, a play area, small dish for food and water, with enough room left over to relieve themselves if necessary. Puppies can get into lot's of trouble if they are left unsupervised, so it is necessary to put them in a playpen or other small confined area to keep them safe. This is just a temporary place until the puppy is older and doesn't need quite so much sleep, less mischievous and hopefully hous

2. PUPPY PROOF YOUR HOUSE: Just as you would for a child or baby! You need to move all houseplants, electrical cords, hous
ehold cleaning supplies, or anything else dangerous near floor level that a small puppy could possible chew on or be harmed by.

3. FOOD: It is best to find out ahead of time what brand of dog food that your puppy has been on, so that you may have a bag ready for them. It is best to keep your puppy on the same diet that it is used to
so that it will not be subjected to too many changes at once. Changing to a different food can cause an upset stomach or diarrhea. Any switch in diet should be done gradually by mixing the old food with the new food.

4. NUTRI-CAL: This high calorie dietary supplement in a tube (looks like a tube of toothpaste) is a must have if you are bringing home a tiny toy or teacup size dog. It will help keep a tiny dog or puppy from going into hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). It is also a great source of extra vitami
ns for any size puppy. It will insure that your puppy is getting some good nutrition while it adjusts to it's new home. A small amount should be given every 6-8 hours for the first 7 days, or until your tiny puppy is settled in and eating well.

4. BOTTLED WATER: You will want to give your puppy b
ottled water for a few days. Start with pure bottled water and gradually mix in your own water over several days time. Water in different places sometimes vary greatly in the amount of minerals and/or chemicals that they use to purify it with and a big change can sometimes cause stomach trouble or loose stools.

5. CHEW TOYS: It is a good idea to have on hand several types of toys and chew toys to help keep your puppy amused and away from things he shouldn't chew on. Young puppies seem to especially like soft stuffed toys to chew on and sleep with. Dogs have a very keen sense of smell, so we always send a soft toy that smells like our home and siblings along with our puppies when they leave. This seems to help their adjustment, and many people say that years later, this is still their dogs favorite toy. It is also a good idea to give your puppy some harder teething bones or toys too. But remember to only purchase toys that are safe for puppies!

6. BEDDING: A small box or washable plastic surface with a baby blanket in it is usually the best type of bed for your puppy at first. The
se can be easily cleaned and the blankets thrown in the wash in case of accidents. Many puppies are very clean and would never soil in their bed. But most are too young to know the difference between their bed and any other potty spot and can make quite a mess! Cushy foam beds look adorable, but are best bought after your puppy is housebroken and done teething. It is amazing how one little foam bed can generate so much mess when chewed into a thousand pieces by busy teeth! Also stay away from wicker beds, as wicker will splinter when chewed on and can become lethal to a puppy if swallowed.

7. PUPPY PADS: Puppy pads or " Wee wee" pads are good to have on hand for your puppy to relieve themselves on. Since puppies should be kept away from other dogs, and from parks or grass that other dogs have been around until they have finished all their shots (4 months of age), many people are choosing to litter box train their small pups. Most puppies we
place have already been started on newspaper training. To litter box train, it is usually easiest to start with a litter box lined with newspaper or piddle pads.

8. BOWLS: You will need a shallow food bowl and a semi-shallow water bowl for your puppy. Do not use a bowl that is deep, especially for water, because it is possible for a small puppy to fall in or even drown. Also they cannot reach if the water or food level gets too low.

Alejandra Esquinca pics.

Hypoglycemia in little puppies

NUTRI-CAL SUPPLEMENT is very important supplement for you keep all time close to you, when you just buy you'r puppy special with chihuahuahuas.

What is Hypoglycemia?

Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) occurs mainly in toy breeds between six and twelve weeks of age. Often it is precipitated by stress. The first sign are those of listlessness, wobbling, glassy eyed, depression and vomiting. They are followed by muscular weakness, tremors (especially in the facial muscles) and later convulsions, coma and death. The entire sequence is not always seen, the dog may appear to be depressed or may be weak, wobbly and jerky; or the puppy may be found in a coma. Hypoglycemia can occur without warning when a puppy is placed in a new home or while being shipped. It might appear after puppy missed a meal, chills, becomes exhausted from too much playing or has a digestive upset. These upset's place an added strain on the energy reserves of the liver and bring on symptoms (if the dog is susceptible).


Treatment is directed at restoring blood sugar levels of glucose. Begin at once. Prolong or repeated attacks can cause permanent damage to the brain. If puppy is unconscious, place a dab, about 1/4" of NutriCal on their tongue and hold their mouth closed for 1 minute. Use ONLY NurtriCal. The sugar in this product will enter the blood stream through the veins in the mouth. Wrap the puppy in a warm blanket and immediately take to the nearest vet or an after hours emergency veterinarian hospital where an intravenous solution of dextrose can be started. If the puppy is conscious, give 1/2" to 1" (a teaspoonful) of NutriCal. ONLY If puppy is conscious and If NutriCal is not available, give cane syrup, karo syrup or sugar in water....these must be swallowed. Do not give honey. Use an eye dropper or syringe plunger if puppy will not drink voluntarily. You should begin to see improvement in 10 minutes. After your puppy feels a little better, remember to give him/her a protein based meal (any good meat based dog food or meat baby food will do), to level out it's blood sugar. If they don't feel like eating, give them something extra tasty to make sure that they get food in their stomach.

Preventing recurrent attacks

Feed puppy a high quality kibble diet. I like lamb or chicken as it is easier for them to digest. If your puppy isn't eating dry food, a good quality canned puppy food would be suggested. See that puppy eats at least every 4 hours. If puppy skips a meal, give 1 tsp or 1" of Nutri-Cal in place of meal. Offer 1/4c whole milk a couple of times a day between meals. Do not let your puppy become chilled or overtired. Provide a quite area for naps throughout the day. Decrease your playtime with the puppy. Their bodies are very small and use up their energy supply rapidly. This can cause sugar depletion or stress induced coccidia. Start giving him 1/2" NutriCal several times a day right after meals for another week.

Anytime you have to take your puppy to a vet for other than routine exams, I ask that you please call and tell me what is going on. I am not a vet, but I have been watching every move your puppy has made since birth and there is a good chance I can help.

Remember, I am always just a phone call away. If you need me, don't hesitate to call anytime of day or night. When you get your puppy, I will also give you my cell

All those pictures are from my own puppies.
Alejandra Esquinca

Tiny Toi Puppies Shih tzus

So you are getting a new baby!!

Our Chinese Imperial Shih Tzu come in a wide variety of colors. We primarily produce various shades of gold Shih Tzu Dogs, brindle, black Shih Tzu Dogs and silvers in parti (with white) and solids. Other solids include red, white, blue, champagne, chocolate and also come as parti's. Imperial Shih Tzu Adults are under 9 lbs and can be as small as 3 lbs. The average size is 4 - 6 lbs. The Imp is non-shedding and those with an allergy to dogs are usually not affected by this breed.

feeeding your new puppy . I use NuPro. It is a brown meal looking substance that you sprinkle on the food. They love it and it makes their coat so shiny!! You might have to purchase it online though. or any good pet store.

little Berny

Shitzu puppies are very active and they burn calories quickly. Their initial growth phase is during the first six months of life, although theoretically they are still puppies until eight to twelve months of age, or when they reach puberty.

While your shitzu is still a puppy, he should be fed at least four times a day because he has a small stomach and a high metabolism. As he gets older and his growth and development slow down, you can decrease the feedings to three meals, and later two meals a day. Be sure to consult your veterinarian to be certain this feeding schedule matches your shitzu’s needs.

Unless your shitzu is a very active dog, he probably will not require more than one to two meals a day when he is an adult. Ideally the meals should be provided at twelve-hour intervals, or if only one meal is provided, in the early evening, after he has exercised and before bedtime. If all of the food has not been eaten after twenty minutes, remove it. An after dinner stroll before bedtime will help your shitzu sleep more comfortably.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The best food for your pet companion

For dogs up to 1 year

For dogs 1 to 5 years

Weight Management
For overweight
& less active dogs

For dogs
5 years & older

Small Breed Adult
For dogs under 25 lbs.

Large Breed Puppy
For puppies that will grow to over 50 lbs

Large Breed Adult
For dogs 50 lbs or ove
Ultra is a wholesome blend of the healthiest proteins, grains, vitamins and minerals found in nature. Each bag is holistically balanced to take advantage of natural synergies between ingredients, and each ingredient is specially selected to contribute in a natural way to your pet's wellness, vitality and performance. Ultra is available for your dog in formulas for puppies, adult, senior, and overweight and less active dogs.

To gain all the health and nutritional benefits that Nutro Ultra can provide, we offer dry food, canned formulas, and healthy biscuits for all your dog’s dietary needs.

Ultra Holistic Nutrition? It’s simply the best combination of holistic dog food ingredients that we could find. We know that dogs need protein and we’ve combined three animal proteins—chicken, lamb and salmon meals to provide essential amino acids for better muscle development and overall performance. Okay, we know you understand chicken and lamb, but why salmon? Well, salmon naturally contains essential fatty acids like DHA. Dogs need animal proteins to grow and stay strong and it’s the combination of poultry, meat and fish that makes Ultra a protein-rich holistic dog food that your pet will gobble up.

But, Ultra is more than protein. We know from experience that many essential nutrients can be found naturally in flowers, vegetables and grains. These days, more and more of us are becoming aware just how nutritious foods like tomatoes, cranberries and garlic are. Tomatoes contain Lycopene and Tomatoes provide vitamin C, both of these are powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants fight free radicals and help fight the effects of aging-that's something that all of us can appreciate.

And by adding natural amino acids and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids from sunflower and fish oils, we've made a food that is not only rich in naturally occurring nutrients like DHA and linoleic acid, Ultra tastes great too. What good is a highly nutritious food if no one wants to eat it! We don't want to brag—or maybe we do—but we've tested Ultra with dogs and found that more dogs prefer Ultra than other comparable brands*. We know your dog's biggest concern is taste and Ultra has the taste your dog will love! We know that your concern is whether your dog is getting the healthiest diet he or she possibly can. With Ultra, the answer is a resounding YES!

The best part of Ultra is that you can see the difference. Healthy skin and a shiny, lustrous coat are one hallmark of an Ultra dog. We've also been told that dogs fed Ultra seem to be more easily trained with a better ability to understand commands. But the best thing is that a well-nourished dog is going to be a healthy and happy companion for you and your family.

Oh, and lets not forget that Ultra contains absolutely no chemical preservatives-no BHA, BHT, ethoxyquin or propyl gallate. So you can be sure that you are getting a food that is good for your dog's sustained vitality and well-being. We think Ultra is the best formula for your dog's health and happiness-so we invite you to try it!

Shih tzus

Due to the fact that Shih Tzus are small dogs and they are relatively inactive indoors, they make fantastic apartment dogs and wonderful dogs for seniors. Furthermore, the Shih Tzu is an ideal dog for anyone who has allergies as his coat does not shed. Of course, the down side to most non shedding dog is the required daily grooming of their coat – the Shih Tzu is no exception.

The Shihs coat is available in almost every color and bi-color combination. If kept long, the coat will need to be brushed a few times a day to keep it free from mats. His eyes will need to be cleaned to discourage the build up of discharge that can lead to eye infections. The owner will also need to make sure the hair on top of the Shih Tzus head is kept tied up and out of the dog’s eyes to avoid aggravating them. The Shih Tzu should have a bath every month, and should be trimmed every few months to keep the desired look.

As with any pet, owning a dog is a huge commitment that must be met for the entire life of a dog. The average lifespan of a Shih Tzu is 15 years or more. Considering he has a decent life expectancy for a canine, it should come as no surprise that this breed does not suffer any major hereditary health defects. Nevertheless, no dog is perfect. The Shih Tzu is still susceptible to illnesses. The health issues that appear to be the most common in the breed include ear, eye, respiratoryFind Article, back and teeth problems.

The Shih Tzu will bring plenty of joy and happiness to anyone willing to share their life and affection with this regal and loving dog.

Impirial Shih tzus

This puppies born January 5th.
they are the most adorable. His father is Kiwi (Shith Tzu). Mother is a beutiful mother is Impirial shitzu
Children and Shih Tzus get along famously as long as the child understands how to play with the dog. A Shih Tzu will not tolerate teasing young children and will snap at them. The Shih doesn’t mind the presence of other family pets, but his true joy is when he is in the company of his human family.
. The main purpose is produce dogs of this breed is to produce really good family companions and house pets. Really pedigree dogs of this breed should possess an outgoing, happy, affectionate and friendly temperament, trusting towards everybody.
Shih Tzus are good watchdogs and eagerly alert their owners to the approach of strangers. He does enjoy barking, but rarely does so without reason. He is very clever and responds well to persistent training. Without training the Shih Tzu will become extremely overprotective of their owner and aggressive towards other people.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Designer Dog lexy and Bo.

Designer dogs.

"lexy" is a chihuahua mix with Shih tzu.

His father is a cute is a pettite 2 lbs.chihuahua and his name is" toro"

Her mom name's" MIA"
she is pure breed Impirial Shih tzu: This time was Mia, who choose her boy friend," Toro" and they only having one little pup.

this is her designer pup. "Lexy'.

a nother Designer dog is Bo. is shih tzu with Lapha apso .

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Kids are my heart and my dogs are my soul

My Kids are my heart and my dogs are my soul this is the real me.

After my divorce they were my refuge from my sadness ,bipolar character (no more)and solitairy soul.

And i share a very special chemistry between me and I

To leave the bad moments from the past of the life i moved to Canada

My first Family here was My nice happy Kiwi and spent a lot of beautiful moments with him, because he give me my second family in Canada.

So my kids is my heart and my dogs are my soul. so I keep in shape every day.
with exercise, love and good food and too much love.. People need to express there love in some one, like this little angel with four feet.

They are always there for you.

Designer Dog or Just Another Muttt

Bernie: is all innocence - and very happy dog.

A wonderful dog I seen in my life, she is extremley sweet with a nice personality She Is Shitzu mix Yorkipoo.

The mix reputedly combines the intelligence, aloof nature, the delicate frame, and the low-allergy, and non-shedding traits of the poodle with the boisterous exuberance, lovability, and loyalty of a yorki

The Labradoodle, Yorkipoo, cockapoo, and schnoodle are the latest designer hybrid dogs to hit the catwalk.
Many people doesn't understand why they mix the could be pure breeds?

Just as people meticulously customize a cup of coffee to suit their mood—a lowfat, decaf, mocha latte with chocolate sprinkles is particularly good—people are designing their pets to match their lifestyle.

Humans began domesticating dogs about 14,000 years ago. Breeds emerged as dogs were selected for various traits like the ability to guard and hunt. Like the many breeds that have emerged since, the evolving Labradoodle also has a purpose: to provide an allergy friendly companion, especially to people with special needs.

.Trouble With Pure Breeds

"I was increasingly disheartened with breeding German shepherds," said Manners. "These dogs, like other pure breeds of the show world had been bred for looks, and health was largely ignored. German shepherds, for example, are plagued with 89 inherited disorders."

Top winning dogs are often highly inbred—siblings are interbred, and fathers are mated with daughters. The result is a tiny gene pool that is saturated with bad traits.

Crossing breeds, adding a fanciful name, and charging outrageous sums for these dogs [labradoodles can cost up to U.S. $2,500] is a recent trend that's only taken off in the last decade," said Allan Reznik, editor-in-chief of Dog Fancy and Dog World, based in Irvine, California. "It's indicative of a society that loves labels. Having a dog that is part spaniel and part poodle isn't enough—it has to be a cockapoo."
From Mutt to Pure Breed

The new breed must also have predictable characteristics and fulfill a specific purpose, said Daisy Okas, a spokesman for the AKC, based in New York City. Breeds classified in the "Toy Group" category, for example, were developed to be small, charming companions. So a low-allergy buddy doesn't seem so far fetched.

The AKC currently recognizes 150 breeds; the Labradoodle is a work in progress, and is not yet a recognized breed in the U.S. or Australia.

"My goal is to create the best, healthiest breed I can that will be allergy friendly, with a non-shedding low maintenance coat, and that will have a mellow temperament, and be intuitive and easy to train."

Friday, February 13, 2009

Kilito el ama de llaves de la casa

Este anguelito llego a traer paz a mi hogar y mucho amor.
solo pesa un kilito

nina amada MIA

Beautiful shih-Tzuz

if you're interested please let us know, we could give you more information.
to or to breaking Ruels.
only in Canada and united states.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pony O KiLO

Ella no es shitzu, es mi perrita que me acompana todo el tiempo
en una mini French poodle con mucha clase, y esta muy bien entrenada para estar dentro de casa y obedecer. ella pesa exactamente 2 kilos. es un verdadero juguetito.


Tiene elegancia y glamour, De tamaño pequeño y de tronco alargado. Su tamaño es pequeño y compacto, cubierto de pelo chino con personalidad y ternura propias de la raza.


La altura estándar de este tipo de raza son aproximadas a los siguientes;

De 18cm a 20 cm. aprox, dependiendo de la genética que repita los cachorros, los cuidados y Alimentación que obtengan en su crecimiento.

Descripción de la Raza:

Es una raza que se adapta para vivir en CASAS PEQUEÑAS, DEPARTAMENTOS etc... Ideal para los niños, con ellos juega y se divierte, o para personas que no han tenido mascotas o gente de la tercera edad o con capacidades diferentes son muy inteligentes y activos. Es de tamaño chico y compacto y sus colores van desde el blanco marfil, con orejas en color miel o beige en un tono fijo en todo el cuerpo.

Si usted quiere disfrutar de una mascota con un temperamento de lo más tranquilo, dulce y juguetón.

El French Poodle es una raza que se caracteriza por ser uno de los más preferidos entre todas las razas para tenerlo en casa.

Especialmente, si el perro es tipo Toy o tacita de té, es muy buscado pues se le considera el representante insigne de la ternura y la buena compañía. Por su pequeño tamaño, resulta ideal para que los tengan los niños, pues así se establece de verdad una relación de amo y perro.

Es muy extrovertido de carácter, y además cuenta con una inteligencia sorprendente y bastante particular, por lo que es capaz de alegrarle la vida a cualquiera aunque sea una persona amargada. Es muy dinámico y saltarín.

una familia encantadora

jajaj. Que bonita familia!.

wonderful family

Mis primeros perritos de la familia Kiwi

Los cuidados
El cepillado es diario y se realiza en capas, comenzando por la capa interna, se hace con peine de acero y nunca con cardina ni cepillos. L
Luego del cepillado el pelo se ata primero sobre la cabeza para mantener despejados sus ojjos, y ademas salvaguardar la salud del pelo de su "mechon", tambien se atan los bigotes a cada lado de su boca, se coloca una atadura en la base de la coleta que se hace y otro al medio para que no se ensucie de comida y para que no roce el piso que produce desgaste y no lo deja crecer.
Luego no se deja jamás al perro vivir en patio de tierra o de piso de cemento, los perros de show en esta raza pasan la mayor cantidad de tiempo en caniles con piso ceramicos, o en jaulas con piso de rejilla para que el pelo con el roce del piso solido no limite su crecimiento.
El baño se hace cada 3 días, cepillando antes durante y despues del baño, secando siempre con secador de pelo luego de la toalla y cepillando mientras tanto como si le harias el brushing.
Ultimo el pelo de un shithzu de competicion no se corta jamás desde que nace, salvo algunos pequeños retoques para dar forma, pero nunca eliminando largo o pelandolo en verano, pues ya no se recupera la misma calidad ni cnatidad de pelo.
Solo se usan productos para baño para perros, y las gomitas que se utilizan para atar su pelo son similares a las que se utilizan en humanos cuando se realizan multiples trenzitas de pequeño tamaño en toda la cabeza. Si no las consigues un buen sustituto es cortar los dedos de guantes descartables de cirugia para formar las gomitas para el pelo, estas no dañan ni cortajean el pelo del perro.

cada dia y cada amanecer

sigo buscando en como ser mejor.

El Buscador.

Este cuentito fue sacado de una compilación llamada "26 Cuentos para Pensar." Se los dejo para que le echen una mirada, lo que es yo, lo encontré precioso.

"Esta es la historia de un hombre al que yo definiría como buscador. Un buscador es alguien que busca. No necesariamente es alguien que encuentra. Tampoco es alguien que sabe lo que está buscando. Es simplemente para quien su vida es una búsqueda.

Un día un buscador sintió que debía ir hacia la ciudad de Kammir. Él había aprendido a hacer caso riguroso a esas sensaciones que venían de un lugar desconocido de sí mismo, así que dejó todo y partió. Después de dos días de marcha por los polvorientos caminos divisó Kammir, a lo lejos. Un poco antes de llegar al pueblo, una colina a la derecha del sendero le llamó la atención. Estaba tapizada de un verde maravilloso y había un montón de árboles, pájaros y flores encantadoras. La rodeaba por completo una especie de valla pequeña de madera lustrada … Una portezuela de bronce lo invitaba a entrar.

De pronto sintió que olvidaba el pueblo y sucumbió ante la tentación de descansar por un momento en ese lugar. El buscador traspaso el portal y empezó a caminar lentamente entre las piedras blancas que estaban distribuidas como al azar, entre los árboles. Dejó que sus ojos eran los de un buscador, quizá por eso descubrió, sobre una de las piedras, aquella inscripción … “Abedul Tare, vivió 8 años, 6 meses, 2 semanas y 3 días”. Se sobrecogió un poco al darse cuenta de que esa piedra no era simplemente una piedra. Era una lápida, sintió pena al pensar que un niño de tan corta edad estaba enterrado en ese lugar…

Mirando a su alrededor, el hombre se dio cuenta de que la piedra de al lado, también tenía una inscripción, se acercó a leerla decía “Llamar Kalib, vivió 5 años, 8 meses y 3 semanas”. El buscador se sintió terrible mente conmocionado. Este hermoso lugar, era un cementerio y cada piedra una lápida. Todas tenían inscripciones similares: un nombre y el tiempo de vida exacto del muerto, pero lo que lo contactó con el espanto, fue comprobar que, el que más tiempo había vivido, apenas sobrepasaba 11 años. Embargado por un dolor terrible, se sentó y se puso a llorar.
El cuidador del cementerio pasaba por ahí y se acercó, lo miró llorar por un rato en silencio y luego le preguntó si lloraba por algún familiar. - No ningún familiar – dijo el buscador - ¿Qué pasa con este pueblo?, ¿Qué cosa tan terrible hay en esta ciudad? ¿Por qué tantos niños muertos enterrados en este lugar? ¿Cuál es la horrible maldición que pesa sobre esta gente, que lo ha obligado a construir un cementerio de chicos?.

El anciano sonrió y dijo: -Puede usted serenarse, no hay tal maldición, lo que pasa es que aquí tenemos una vieja costumbre. Le contaré: cuando un joven cumple 15 años, sus padres le regalan una libreta, como esta que tengo aquí, colgando del cuello, y es tradición entre nosotros que, a partir de allí, cada vez que uno disfruta intensamente de algo, abre la libreta y anota en ella: a la izquierda que fue lo disfrutado … y a la derecha, cuanto tiempo duró ese gozo.

¿Conoció a su novia y se enamoró de ella? ¿Cuánto tiempo duró esa pasión enorme y el placer de conocerla?…¿Una semana? Dos? Tres semanas y media? Y después … la emoción del primer beso, ¿cuánto duró? ¿El minuto y medio del beso? ¿Dos días? ¿Una semana? … ¿y el embarazo o el nacimiento del primer hijo? … ¿y el casamiento de los amigos …? ¿y el viaje más deseado …? ¿y el encuentro con el hermano que vuelve de un país lejano …? ¿Cuánto duró el disfrutar de estas situaciones? … ¿horas?, ¿días? Así vamos anotando en la libreta cada momento, cuando alguien se muere, es nuestra costumbre abrir su libreta y sumar el tiempo de lo disfrutado, para escribirlo sobre su tumba. Porque ese es, para nosotros, el único y verdadero tiempo vivido."

los chokos Amor en cuatro patas

The Shih Apso is not a purebred dog. It is a cross between the Shih Tzu and the Lhasa Apso.

Es una cruza de lhasa apso ella color miel y el shih tzu tricolor de:" kiwi"unran un os perritos semejantes a los yorkitos,por su color.nosotros les pusimos chokos para identificarlos de los demas.
el Shih Tzu y el Lhasa Apso son dos razas diferentes, con algunas semejanzas como el pelo largo y su tamaño pero con una cabeza muy distinta, lo que si tienen un mismo origen tibetano. Cuidaban y servian de compañia a los monjes en el Tibet.
Shih Tzu : su nombre significa perro león.
se cree,en general,que se originó en el oeste de China.
se parece al Lhasa Apso excepto por su cara más corta,y
podría ser el resultado de cruzar al Lhasa Apso con el Pequinés.

Los chokos tuvieron mucha aceptaciony lo solicitaron mucho pero solo se dieron tres en la camada.

Mia Y su bebe Billy

Necesitan un Hogar nuevo y responsable!

No siempre tenemos la suerte de nuestro lado existen ocaciones en que se trabaja muy duro y no existe recompensa alguna, y todo el sacrifio y cuidados intensivos para las crias, suele ser inutiles.

Hace 2 anos mi perrita Mia tuvo una camada de 4" Imperial Shih tzus" quisas los mas puros que hemos tenidos, pues toda su desendecia son Imperial shih tzus.

Nace" Billy el bello" entre tres hermanitas(os).
dos de ellos se fueron con personas dedicadas por completo a su casa y a cuidar y ser responsables de la mascotita que adquirieron.
Una de ellas su mama era enfermera, y los otros una pareja grande que ya no tenia hijos.
Pero la mala suerte llego a Billy un pequeno con 8 semanas le pusimos "el bello". Hubieron personas interesadas en billy.Pero prestamos a tencion a
su nueva familia acompanada por dos ninos quizas de 11 a12 anos como unos diablillos,
No queremos aveces hacer sentir mal a nadie o tratar de discriminar ninos o adultos, queremos llevar felicidad a todas las casas, pero en esta ocacion. murio al 4to dia. porque sus padres trabajaban todo el tiempo, y quicieron hacerlos responsables del cachorrito. y no lo dejaban dormir o tomar la suficiente agua que necesitaba. Mure Billy de desidratacion y mal manejo.
Esa experiencia fue muy fuerte para quienes lo cuidamos con amor .Ahora prefiero recomendar a los ninos otro tipo de entretenimiento pues la mascota no son juguetes. .

Muchos toman desiciones de comprar un perrito, y no toman las debidas consideraciones No es solo la responsabilidad...

sino los gastos y la atención que significan tener un acompañante más en la familia. Porque no es sólo tenerlo en casa y darle agua y comida, sino apreciar su compañía y estar atento a su salud llevándolo al veterinario siempre que sea necesario.

La clave para crear una mascota verdaderamente familiar --que sea dócil, leal y que se lleve bien con las personas y otros animales en la casa, si los hay-- es simplemente tratar al animal como otro miembro más de la familia --que en realidad lo es-- y proveer el entrenamiento y cuidado que merece. No es suficiente obtener una mascota ''para los muchachos'', sugiere la Sociedad Protectora de Animales de EE.UU. (HSUS). ``Una mascota no es un juguete para los niños, sino un miembro vitalicio de la familia que depende enteramente de ella, especialmente de los adultos''.

Aunque las mascotas son parte de la vida de muchos niños, la HSUS y otros expertos recomiendan que el niño tenga al menos siete años antes de traer un animalito a casa ya que de menos edad no tiene la madurez necesaria para controlar sus impulsos, o saber la forma adecuada de tratar o cuidar una mascota.

Muchas familias con niños pequeños escogen un gatito o cachorrito creyendo que éstos son más seguros, fáciles de manejar y entrenar, y más adaptables que otras mascotas mayores, pero eso no es siempre cierto. Los gatitos y los perritos de unas semanas de nacidos son frágiles, requieren más tiempo y cuidado y tienen tendencia a arañar o morder cuando están jugando, por eso no son recomendables para niños de poca edad.

- Las mascotas necesitan a veces su soledad y no siempre quieren atención humana, especialmente cuando están comiendo o descansando. Para proteger tanto a su hijo como a la mascota, es esencial que un adulto supervise o esté atento a las interacciones entre mascota y niño.
- La mejor forma de enseñarle a su hijo a ser responsable de cuidar la mascota es con su ejemplo. Eso es lo que él imitará siempre.

- Tan pronto llegue la mascota, establezca e imponga las reglas sobre su cuidado. Por ejemplo, dígale al niño que no tire de la cola, o las orejas, o las extremidades. Enséñele cómo cargarlo y sujetarlo, e insista en que nunca fastidien o molesten, o persigan al animalito. Sus niños aprenderán no sólo a tratar adecuadamente a su mascota, sino a las personas.


Pasion y amor por cada uno de ellos

Mi trabajo me ha permitido conocer todo tipo de personas:, . Siempre noté que muchos, a pesar de tener una apariencia seria, demostraban un amor y cariño notable por sus mascotas. Creo que el ser humano no es malo por naturaleza sino que nos falta aprender más de otras especies; solo hay que limpiar esa cáscara que nos impone la sociedad.. Hoy en día, doy gracias a Dios porque hago lo que me gusta, tengo a mi Hija Nathalie trabajando conmigo y a Robert, mi mano derecha, mi amigo. Pero sobre todo El deseo de mi hija, por salir adelante en este oficio Nathalie esla alegria y la medicina de quien la necesita. Algun dia sera veterinaria aunque aseguro que para su edad de 16. Conoce muy bien las necesidades de cada perrioy su deseo empezo desde nina desde que abrimos una veterinariay empezo ayudar a curar animales. Ver mi casa llena de animalitos infuyó bastante, para que tubiera el respeto y el conocimiento de manejar adecuadamente a cada uno de la familia de kiwis. Somos criadores de perritos. una pasion echa realidad.