Kiwi's friends

i have very nice puppys for sale 2 tiny shihtzus "pure breed
females with their puppy vaccinations, Dewormers and vet check.
yorkhiere terrier "pure bread" male." the cap"
there full grown is going yo be 4 pounds.

Im from Snte, anne. Manitoba and my phone is
(for more nformaton)
or appoiments. thank you
(204)422 5742

Small dogs and big rewards!

Small dogs are charming, intelligent, and loving no matter than some time they culd be manipulative.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

little Berny

Shitzu puppies are very active and they burn calories quickly. Their initial growth phase is during the first six months of life, although theoretically they are still puppies until eight to twelve months of age, or when they reach puberty.

While your shitzu is still a puppy, he should be fed at least four times a day because he has a small stomach and a high metabolism. As he gets older and his growth and development slow down, you can decrease the feedings to three meals, and later two meals a day. Be sure to consult your veterinarian to be certain this feeding schedule matches your shitzu’s needs.

Unless your shitzu is a very active dog, he probably will not require more than one to two meals a day when he is an adult. Ideally the meals should be provided at twelve-hour intervals, or if only one meal is provided, in the early evening, after he has exercised and before bedtime. If all of the food has not been eaten after twenty minutes, remove it. An after dinner stroll before bedtime will help your shitzu sleep more comfortably.

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