Due to the fact that Shih Tzus are small dogs and they are relatively inactive indoors, they make fantastic apartment dogs and wonderful dogs for seniors. Furthermore, the Shih Tzu is an ideal dog for anyone who has allergies as his coat does not shed. Of course, the down side to most non shedding dog is the required daily grooming of their coat – the Shih Tzu is no exception.
The Shihs coat is available in almost every color and bi-color combination. If kept long, the coat will need to be brushed a few times a day to keep it free from mats. His eyes will need to be cleaned to discourage the build up of discharge that can lead to eye infections. The owner will also need to make sure the hair on top of the Shih Tzus head is kept tied up and out of the dog’s eyes to avoid aggravating them. The Shih Tzu should have a bath every month, and should be trimmed every few months to keep the desired look.
As with any pet, owning a dog is a huge commitment that must be met for the entire life of a dog. The average lifespan of a Shih Tzu is 15 years or more. Considering he has a decent life expectancy for a canine, it should come as no surprise that this breed does not suffer any major hereditary health defects. Nevertheless, no dog is perfect. The Shih Tzu is still susceptible to illnesses. The health issues that appear to be the most common in the breed include ear, eye, respiratory, back and teeth problems.
The Shih Tzu will bring plenty of joy and happiness to anyone willing to share their life and affection with this regal and loving dog.
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